[Politbeisl] Vortrag & Diskussion: A Call against Arms! w/ Antipolitika @ekh

Do. 03.10. Politbeisl | 20:00

Politbeisl: Textdiskussion: A Call against Arms! w/ Antipolitika

Antipolitika is an informal network of friends and comrades from the Balkans and beyond, that produces a thematic journal. So far we have published three issues: on the subject of war, Yugoslavia and nationalism.

The participants of the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair who came to Prishtina this year from 29 countries, spanning from Chile to Azerbaijan, called for the first week of October to be a transnational week of action against militarism and nationalism. For this occasion, on the 3rd of November, we will present and discuss the text “A Call Against Arms – Systemic Drivers of the War(s) and an Autonomous, Anticapitalist Anti-war Position”, which we have written in May this year. We call for a struggle against capitalist social relations, together with movements against racism, patriarchy, environmental destruction, militarism and in defence of the commons, with war resisters and deserters from the various war fronts, with feminists, migrants, precarious workers and environmental activists, a struggle that will create an autonomous anti-war movement against the capitalist machine of death and despair.

Talk will be in english, german whisper translation is possible if needed.
